The Irish eat Boxty en mass. Potato pancakes actually have cultural variations all over the world with each region putting its own spin on the dish. In Germany, they are Kartoffelpuffer. The British eat Tattie Fish. The Jewish celebrate with Latke during Hanukkah.
There are few foods that feel as Irish as cabbage. In this case, we're going to use it as our salad and side. Cabbage is great to add texture and crunch to your meal. It's one of our favorite food textures.
There are few meals on a rainy March evening like a savory rosemary pork loin. Add the words "boozy cran-cherry cutney" and you've just made it a party. This entree will be the star of the evening and all those good feelings are sure to pave the way to stories, laughs, and more than a few memories.
Okay, maybe carrot cake isn't the most exciting dessert choice for most, but it's subtle savory-sweet finish will finish off your St. Patrick's Day meal with just the right amount of energy and appetite for adventure.
The rest of the evening is up to you to create. Slà inte!