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Top o' the Morning Green Mimosa

Top o' the Morning Green Mimosa

Prep Time
5 Minutes
1 drink
  • 1 bottle of orange juice
  • 1 bottle of Champagne, chilled
  • 1/2 tbsp of Pasolivo Sparkling Citrus Vinegar, per glass
  • 1/2 oz Blue Curacao, per glass
  • 1 rainbow Sour Strip gummy, per glass
  • 2 mini marshmallows, per glass
  1. Pour 3 ounces of orange juice in each champagne glass, or until the glass is slightly less than 1/2 full.
  2. Add 1/2 ounce of Blue Curacao in each champagne glass, until the drink turns a rich green.
  3. Splash 1/2 tbsp of Pasolivo Sparkling Citrus Vinegar in each glass, for a strong citrusy zing and added health benefits.
  4. Top each glass with champagne, as desired
  5. Garnish each glass with 1 rainbow Sour Strip, skewered through each end to form a gentle bend. Finish with 1 small marshmallow on either side to form the clouds.
  6. Serve immediately, and enjoy some Irish cheer!
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