Beyond the Ranch

National Women's Health Week 2017

Women celebrating and supporting each other Women's Health Week is "a national effort by an alliance of government organizations to raise awareness about manageable steps women can take to improve...

National Women's Health Week 2017

Women celebrating and supporting each other Women's Health Week is "a national effort by an alliance of government organizations to raise awareness about manageable steps women can take to improve their health." --Speakers for Nurses It is never too late to work on your health. This year, the National Women's Health Week starts on Mother's Day and runs through the 20th of May. This week was created to focus on women's health, the importance of positive and healthy behaviors, and how important regular check-ups are. There is also a strong focus on a healthy diet which is where Pasolivo steps in. Spring Fruit Salad with Yogurt Edamame, Corn and Tomato Salad Lime Roasted Corn Salad Pasta made with our California blend extra virgin olive oil Savory Tuscan Roasted Nuts The majority of our recipes provide a reflection of one of the world's healthiest diets - the Mediterranean diet. This diet consists highly of plant-based foods, replacing butter with olive oils, and incorporating herbs and spices. Our recipes are created using healthy alternatives and healthy fats. If you are looking for a recipe made with Pasolivo olive oils, you can view our recipes HERE. Did you know that over the past decade, scientists have discovered increasing evidence that authentic extra virgin olive oil has a broad range of outstanding health benefits? This includes, but is not limited to: decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, providing a significant amount of antioxidants and moisturizing benefits, controlling cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, may help prevent depression, fights Osteoporosis, and keeps the heart young. So what can you do to participate this week? Women's Health recommends taking a healthy selfie, taking a health quiz, take a lunchtime walk, or host a healthy potluck. They also discussed what steps you...